Thursday, 24 July 2008

All good things come to an end.........

I am finally getting around to writing a blog after much pestering from fellow team members *cough* Dan *cough*. It has been a hectic two weeks for me here in Austria, not helped by flying home to graduate half way through. Monday was the men's clothing room which was a great opportunity to bless them with the clothes that had been donated. It is amazing how difficult it is to find the right size of clothes for many of the refugees. The demand for shoes and sandals far outstripped the supply it was hard not to be able to provide shoes even for those people who had no summer shoes or whose shoes were falling apart. Although when we didn't have what they wanted we tried to ensure they left with something although often all we could offer was a clean set of underwear or a baseball cap.
Wednesday night saw the emergence of a new force in evangelical preaching as Dan Ovens graciously gave me the night off from giving the evangelistic message. It was Dan's first time speaking in front of a large audience and it was not easy with double translation (English-German, German-Chechen) but he handled it very well and spoke clearly and boldly sparking some good discussions for the rest of us afterwards.
Today we are doing some practical projects around the centre and preparing for the coffee bar tonight.
We are bereft of two team members as Adrian and Jo bid us farewell two days ago and we hope they are enjoying catching up with friends and family!

Work calls so I best leave you here!

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