Tuesday, 15 July 2008

Women's clothing room

Monday was Women's clothing room where somewhere in the region of 70 women came to receive clothing that has been donated to the Oasis Centre. There are many jobs involved in keeping things running smoothly, Dan helped out with teas and coffees, Joan and Will helped in the clothing room, Joanne played with the children while women waited, and Adrian took photos of the Refugees and printed them to take with them. The photo shown is one taken of a group of the refugees.

Several of the suitcases, all our flip-flops and 1 pushchair went to refugees very quickly. Thank you to everyone who gave these items. Most of our clothing aid will be given out at next weeks Men's clothing room.
It was also very interesting and challenging chatting to the refugees. Having photos of our families was an excellent conversation starter especially due to language barriers.
Dan was a hit with the kids handing out lollies!

1 comment:

Michael Prior said...

Great to hear from you. Keep on blogging and we'll keep on reading.