Friday, 18 July 2008


Wednesday was a busy day. The day was spent doing odd jobs around the Oasis centre and chatting to the refugees passing by. Dan sanded some rust spots on the van ready for painting, Adrian and Will painted the building walls, and Jo and Joan cleaned the blinds in the main hall.

While the camera was out we were suddenly surrounded by a group wanting picture after picture taken of them. It was great seeing the refugees enjoying themselves. The picture of Jo and the baby was one of the many shots taken.

The evening event was an evangelistic outreach which saw Joan, Jo, Dan, and Adrian involved in the worship music and Will gave the talk. Including the Oasis team there were about 15 nationalities represented, pretty amazing!

Following the message we all were involved chatting to refugees and distributing teas/coffees/pastries. Several of us had very long conversations with people explaining passages in the Bible. It was a great evening! We finally cleared up around 10.30pm and were all exhausted, ready for our beds.

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