Tuesday, 22 July 2008

Thursday - Coffee Bar and Altenmart

Thursday was a packed day. Project work during the day, painting the centre, odd jobs etc. The team split in two for the evening, Jo and Joan went to Altenmarkt, about 1 hours drive away, while Dan, Will and Adrian stayed at the Oasis.

Altenmarkt is the name of the town where many refugees are staying in a Pension (hostel). About 14 children joined the team to sing some songs, listen to a bible story and make cookies. The team then visited some people living at the Pension in their rooms. It was very humbling to see the number of people living in very small rooms with very few possessions. There was an interesting and funny cultural difference encountered when Joan poined out and named a drawing of a car to a 14 year old boy living there. Car in the boys language was a word for a male private body part! The family visited were so hospitable provding food even though they had very little.

Coffee Bar
Coffee bar is a more relaxed evening for the refugees where mostly men attend and drink coffee and play board games. The Jesus film is also shown in different languages if people are interested. Adrian sat in on an Arabic showing with an Iranian guy he befriended and managed to follow most of the film by picture. The night was great and it was interesting chatting to the guys from all over the world.

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